All Work, No Play

Brad Guinn, Executive Consultant

Brad Guinn Headshot

Executive Consultant Brad Guinn’s work history is different than most. He’s a 21-year veteran of law enforcement. Along with his wife of 18 years and two sons, they’re a family that likes spending time outdoors when they have the chance. As you can imagine, finding free time away from work has been difficult, especially being a member of law enforcement. “My family is everything. I want to eventually quit living paycheck to paycheck, and this has helped. But I want it to grow a lot more.” Finding time away from his full-time job in law enforcement to concentrate on building his business has been tough, but he’s stayed dedicated and hungry.

Skepticism Leads to Determination
Brad credits his friend Rodger Scott, who is from the same small town as him, with introducing him to Ambit when he was in a contract with a different provider. From there, Brad’s interest had peaked. So, he started his journey to becoming an Executive Consultant in April of 2015, but it hasn’t been an easy road. “At first, I was skeptical because I was back in my small hometown and had been in law enforcement for 16 years at that time. I didn’t do much in the beginning because I wanted to make sure it was a legitimate deal and that the company was stable.” After finally getting settled in, the frustrations, unfortunately, didn’t stop. “My goal was to reach EC, so I wasn’t going to let the ‘No’s’ and ‘I’m not interested’ talk get to me.” After several months of research and networking with his peers, Brad jumped in and got to work. Even after questioning whether or not he could get to the next level, he never quit.
Light at the End of the Tunnel
In addition to his law enforcement and family obligations, Brad was heavily involved with his town’s local youth association coaching baseball, basketball, football and other sports. “I worked my Ambit business a little here and there and started to see great results! This has helped me and my family tremendously!” He isn’t just in this for himself, though. Brad has always enjoyed helping others and knows the importance of having someone by your side through both good and bad times. “My wife has always been onboard with this, especially when we were able to start paying off credit cards and go on family vacations. There are a lot of people in my town that recommend me when it comes to people’s electricity, which has been a huge asset.” Sticking with it through the hard times and staying driven has been the key to Brad’s success. It’s that drive and hunger to be successful that will help Brad continue to make his mark as an EC.

Five EC Pieces
My “Why?”
My family!!!
Time spent working my Ambit business:
A few minutes here and there due to my full-time job and family.

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?
Continuously talking to friends, family or anyone that would listen. Then, word-of-mouth started to trickle out because of my success.
Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
I like the entire event. Motivational speakers and of course the attendee-only bonuses. The EC and NC events will be nice, too!
Thanks to the five SCs who helped me reach EC:
My brother Shea Guinn, John Isensee, Ricky Crim, Janina Lozano, and Marilu Segovia.

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