Full-Time Financial Advisor to Mompreneur (Mom + Ambit Entrepreneur)

Hannia Narvaez, Executive Consultant

Hannia Narvaez Headshot

Hannia Narvaez knew a few things to be true. She wanted more time with her two daughters. She also wanted the chance to make money on her time, instead of at her full-time job outside of the home. Her full-time job kept her away from her daughters. “My top priority is for the good of my daughters,” she said. They are her main reasons for success. It’s proven to be a very good reason.

“I started my Ambit Journey in December of 2010, but I clearly remember that at AMBITION 2014, I was determined to become an EC,” Hannia said. Her determination kept her going because she now had an ultimate purpose in mind. However, that goal didn’t come easy to her. There were numerous people who told her that starting her own business wasn’t a good idea. The people who said no were plenty, those who backed her decision were few. “A lot of people would say negative comments to me, but I always trusted my instinct,” she said.

That instinct led her to form a great team of people who all shared a common goal. A team that supported one another in various ways with their businesses. “We were like a family,” Hannia said. A family, that although none of them had experience with a business like Ambit, all took advantage of the Opportunity so they could make the most of it. Their common goal was to start their own businesses and create their own lives. “We took all the tools and training Ambit gave us, and benefited from it,” Hannia said.

The tools and training led Hannia to discover a talent she didn’t know she had. “Talking in front of a large crowd was not comfortable for me; however, I’ve come out of that comfort zone to share this great opportunity,” Hannia said. An opportunity that she finds directly connected to helping other people live a life they create on their own terms. That is one reason why her excitement to be a part of Ambit grows daily. “Something I love about this job is not only I get to make my dreams come true, but I get to make other people’s dreams come true,” she said. It’s that role of dream maker that feeds her advice for new Consultants. “Never give up and don’t let anyone crush your dreams!”

Five EC Pieces 

My “Why?”
I thank God for allowing me to reach the position of an EC. To my team of amazing people without their effort and dedication, this wouldn’t be possible. I definitely want my daughters to live a peaceful life without student loans. This is my big Why!

Time spent working my Ambit business:
I work four to five hours daily from Monday to Friday, and I’m still a full-time mom! That gives me satisfaction because I am able to enjoy being with my daughters, taking them and picking them up from school, helping them do homework and going to concerts and movies. In my old job, I was not able to do that. Also, our trust in each other has grown greatly. 

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?
Now, my purpose is to continue to share this opportunity again and again because I know there are too many amazing people out there waiting to accomplish the American dream. All they need is to find the perfect vehicle, which is Ambit Energy. I’m looking forward to the next phase and to keep on supporting and helping others accomplish their goals. I am very thankful to be a part of NC Rigoberto Yepez’s team because he is a great leader who is always willing to help us, give us advice, and his presentations and trainings are helping us to grow our businesses.

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
Something I love about Ambit are the promotions! And of course, the training is a fundamental part for our personal growth, and for our business. Thanks to all the amazing speakers that motivate us to keep on moving forward!

Thanks to the five SCs who helped me reach EC.
Of course, I can’t go without thanking the five Senior Consultants who I admire and respect. They are great women that fight each day for the good of their families. They have done a great job and I am looking forward to seeing them promoted to the next level one day. They are SC Pilar Salinas, SC Aurora Vergara, SC Judith Sanchez, SC Diana Ortega and SC Johana Nolasco. Let’s go team!

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