Inspired by Free Energy

Elsa Moreno, Executive Consultant

Elsa Moreno Headshot

Elsa Moreno had a successful career as a therapist working with children, adolescents and families. But when she nearly lost her youngest child during a difficult pregnancy, she knew she needed to spend more time with her own family. 

Quitting her job created a number of financial challenges, and while her husband worked hard to make up for it, supplementing her lost income appeared to be impossible. Then, Elsa saw a post that said as an Ambit customer she could qualify for Free Energy. She contacted her consultant and set up a meeting to learn more. “Honestly, I didn’t see past the Free Energy at first,” she says. “I didn’t even have the $100 to join that day.” But she decided to take a leap of faith and put her enrollment fee on her Mastercard and became a consultant in August of 2018. “I was able to qualify for Free Energy in 30 days, then promote to RC. After four months I was an SC and on December 1, 2020, I became an EC.”

More Benefits
Growing her business did more for Elsa than just earn supplemental income for her and her family. “I have become a better leader,” she says. “I feel I can better assist others to reach their personal goals.” She was also able to help her father out with his medical expenses when he was diagnosed with cancer and his funeral expenses after he finally lost his battle with the disease. 

Her advice to new consultants is simple. Submit your businesses to the Lord and “Never miss an event. They are vital for the growth of our business. I plug into all the calls and Zooms available. I never turn down an invitation to participate as a guest or to present the Opportunity.”

Moving Forward
As she continues to grow her Ambit business, Elsa looks forward to helping as many people as possible. “I honestly feel like I am a new Marketing Consultant and student ready to learn from the top leaders.” That drive and attitude is likely to keep Elsa moving forward with Ambit and in life.

Five EC Pieces

My/ our “Why?”
My Why was to help my husband at least the with light bill.

What was your single most-effective Success Tool, factor or influence for growing your business?

The single most successful tool was submitting my business to the Lord and becoming an expert in inviting people to the meetings and showing the plan, and helping teammates meet their goals.

Name your favorite thing about AMBITION:
My favorite thing about AMBITION is meeting people from all walks of life, seeing them come together and sharing how Ambit has changed their lives.

Thanks to the five SCs who helped me/ us reach EC.
I want to thank the five Seniors who helped me promote to Executive Diana Martinez, Jessika Ruiz, Yajaira Yucupicio, Julio Cesar Valdez and Rosa Montes.

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